Lonny is a relatively new magazine designed out of necessity from all the shelter mags folding (aka
Domino). Instead of being a glossy, it's a screeny published online beautifully! Michelle Adams and Patrick Cline (can I be your FRIEND?!) founded it together and it is AMAZING! Every product in the magazine is provided with DIRECT links to their source - you can't do THAT with print! What a lot of work and love they put into that. Patrick does all the photography - sigh - I'll work for you! Plus he shoots film! Michelle is an inspiring organic textile designer who started her own line,
Rubie Green, before starting Lonny. WOW, WOW, WOW. I had been following her blog,
MA Belle, for some time now, and LOVED her apartment featured in
Real Living. I wish I could be that talented and successful as her and him! I think they are a couple now after he shot her place for Real Living?
I read the
first issue and waited in anticipation for it to come out and then unfortunately didn't keep up with the next couple issues. But I'm back and determined not to miss a single issue after learning my mistake with Domino!! (I only have maybe 2 issues of D?) Here's what I loved!
beautiful photographs, yummy creations
Dominique Browning, ex-editor in chief of House and Garden Mag
GREAT article on her!
great outdoor seating! comfy yet stylish!
Jayson Home and Garden
so true, Bunny Williams!
hey, we have that art book!
love the punchy flowers, interesting table
the Iconic Bunny Williams
i gotta have that mirror with wall color and floor combo!
keep an eye out for those chairs at thrift stores!
Lee Kleinhelter, owner of

what a BEAUTIFUL, classy, unique changing table!!! I love the grasscloth wallpaper and the paneling on the piece! sigh-natural textures + white = one happy girl!
Lee Kleinhelter, owner of Pieces
um, yes, I agree 1000% with that statement!
(i want a LIL more color though in this room)
Lee Kleinhelter, owner of Pieces
not entirely a fan of this, but I've been seeing this table everywhere from magazines to stores to thrifting...
Elizabeth Bauer
wowzers, patterns and graphics all pulled together in one small studio!
I'm debating on shades like these or curtains for my living room...
love the wallpaper, the mirror, the pink touches, and the sea of white :)
couldn't live too long with that wall though =/
Elizabeth Bauer's Grammercy studio
yes, i need this how-to badly. thank you, Liz
oh, crisp color palette how i adore you!
i'll take the greek key towels with the green drum and the b/w beach photos
I also needed this! Thanks Ethan and Ari!
taped wallpaper in a rental - clever! go Editorial Assistant to Lonny, Ellie Somerville!
i want the closet curtains!
Ellie Somerville
*gasp* stunning against the white wainscoting!
Dolby and Frist Hamptons House
I was thinking of going navy curtains after seeing this...
this screams "jump on me and chill!" and totally reflects the above quote about walking into a space and feeling comfortable.
Dolby and Frist
hmm, good use of crazy ceiling angles! I like the grayblue paneling, the lighting ON the mirror, and the seemingly easy to DIY mirror framing. I've had "frame mirrors" on my project list for awhile now and was looking at all this ornate molding at Lowes, but now I think I just want flat like this for the time being! That is, until I find some awesome mirrors with character at some beautiful parisian market.
p.s. i really like the balled tree that i can't remember the name of...
i started writing a bunch about this kitchen, but decided it was meant to have only one response:
Dolby and Frist, designer: Cafiero
tufted ottoman in my fave color! Here's an example of how Lonny LINKS to EVERYTHING!!!!
Deborah Lloyd's home - co pres. of Kate Spade
I would move here in a heartbeat with friends living around the corner. I love coastal houses that utilize shingles!!!!!
Dolby and Frist
pretty styling. i love the left side more. How about the RANGE?!! and the beadboard paneled doors with the very black granite. yummy! I'd cook all-day in here!
Deborah Lloyd
Now, go check out the full issue yourself,
Other features i liked:
* Rickshaw Designs has a spread!
*Jayson Home and Garden
* Bunny Williams' beachy Boys' Room
* Lee Kleinhelter's spaces
* ikea shelves as a closet
* Deborah Lloyd's Highland Lake house - this house is perfectly not.so.cookie.cutter!